Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Are you sure you're not some other person?

As I swiped my gym card at the gym entrance the other day, the lady at the front desk, glanced at the computer.
She then asked me " You are Corinne right?"

I shook my head and told her I wasn't.

"But you look like her!"
"Yes, I have been told I look like her. But I am not her."
(Apparently I have a face that people like to say resembles another. So much for being unique.)

"ARE YOU SURE?"(said ala "adakah anda pasti?" in who wants to be a millionaire? hosted by whatshisname who also endorses rice? I forget.)

Now, who asks a person whether they are sure that they are not somebody else???

Of course I am sure I am NOT Corinne. The last I checked, I have yet to morph into somebody else.

I looked at her and said "Yeah, I am PRETTY sure I am not her."

Still she persisted with a perplexed look.

"But last week when you came in, I said HI CORINNE!"
"Did you? I'm sorry, I don't remember."

Right now, my panties are already beginning to get into a bunch because I HATE to be late for my class and what more being made to be late due to a senseless, time wasting, conversation.

So I just said, "Nope, not me."

STILL she persisted.

"Are you her friend?" Like as though this would automatically make it more plausible that I am ACTUALLY Corinne, but disguised as someone else.

"No, I am not technically her FRIEND. But I know OF her."
(silently chanting: please god, let her stop talking so I can go.)

Seriously. Doesn't it just make you want to rush over to the other person and snap their necks whenever they doubt the fact that you say you're not who you are???


Over lunch one day, the BF's good friend's new girlfriend (wow, what a mouthful) looked at me and said " You look Thai."

I have been mistaken for a lot of different races. Only this ONE taxi uncle who acknowledge me as a Malaysian.

He said " Ah, *pointing at my friend* you nampak macam dari Korea. Tapi you punya kawan *points at me* nampak orang Malaysia la."

Friend then retorts "Apa pasal, dia Malaysia saya Korea? Dua-dua pun orang Malaysia-ma."

His simple reason was :

"You punya mata MANYAK sepet. Sepet punya mata orang korea punya. You punya kawan mata kurang sepet. Malaysia tak adak banyak sepet sepet la. Kecuali itu manyak Cina punya. Atau datang dari itu Jepun atau Korea. Sepet."

Ah bless him.

Looks like there is hope for me yet. I am officially "kurang sepet".

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