If I weren't in that sad state of I-have-been-sick-for-two-fking-weeks, I would have doubled over in rambunctious laughter.
Reason for laughter is now carefully put in non alphabetical order:-
1) In Tyra Bank's words "Short girls have never grown up thinking they can be a model."; AND
2) I am not perasan.
Not to say that those who want to be a model ARE perasan cantik, but 90% of the time, they are.
Case in point:- (with no disrespect to Ms. Serene here)

It is one thing to be on the streets and be spotted by a scout ala Kate Moss or Tengku Azura (ok, she wasn't on the streets, she was working in McD's but I say potato you say poytahtoh) but it's quite another to join a reality show called "I WANNA BE A MODEL" or something like that. I mean that usually means, you have to firstly think "GAWD I'M HOT" and secondly think "GAWD, THIS BODY IS ROCKING!" before you think " I SHOULD BE A MODEL!"
That's just judgmental cynical me talking but unfortunately, I posses none of those perasan-ess to think I should try modelling.
The one time I did anything which can remotely be called "modelling" was back in college for a Redken hair show and I didn't get paid, and I did it as a favour for a friend and I ended up with copper coloured hair, which got the taxi man all worried when I stepped into his taxi cos he thought I was from China and I may have SARS.
So, back to the guy who approached me. I wiped my nose dry and told him "Oh, nah, I don't look good in photos."
To which he replied "oh but you will never know. I represent a talent agency and I think you should think about it. "
"Really? Can I have a card then?"
"Oh I don't have one. But here is my number, and give me a call if you change your mind."
So there was an exchange of numbers (the only way I could get rid of him and if he wants to convince me, it should be on his bill, no?) and ever since then, he has called me incessantly. Out of 10 times which he called me in 4 days, I missed all but one call.
"Oh you finally picked up!"
"Yes, I was in court and I can't talk on the phone when I am in court."
"oh, so you're a practising lawyer?" (stupid question this, if I weren't practising, why would I be in court?)
"Yes, I am a practising lawyer."
"I see, I was just wondering whether you would seriously consider modelling, or being in commercials, or etc,"
"Photoshop may have grown leaps and bounds, but I look so bad in photos, it really cannot help me much."
"Hahaha. I think you should consider it, maybe we can have a drink sometime to talk about it?"
"I think not. Either way, I am busy now. Even if you want to try to convince me, a phone call is sufficient."
"Ok sure. Btw, what law do you practise?"
"Criminal law."
And that my friend, was the last time I heard from persistent "talent scout" man.
Ahhhh, the great perks of being a criminal lawyer.
ReplyDeleteThat won't deter me dear...If a person is worth it...than their profession should never be a hindrance!