Monday, April 13, 2009

You had a bad day...

A bad day begins with this sign :-


at 8.35am and this conversation :-

"Parking tak boleh masuk. Sudah penuh."
"Kenapa tak boleh masuk? Sticker ini boleh masuk kan? *whilst hurriedly pointing at BC sticker*
"Ah, kalau boleh cukup la. Saya nak masuk. Kalau tak ada parking, saya tunggu."
"Kalau ada parking pun, reserved untuk staff!"
"Sejak bila?? Saya nak masuk jugak."
"You jangan parking ah!"

*Ignores shouts and steps on accelerator and proceeds into compound*

And then the bad day continues with the discovery of a STAIN on my blazer which looks and feels (No I did not taste it) suspiciously like GUM. The type that will NOT come out and sticks to the blazer and forever ruining my beautiful blazer I searched almost a year for and eventually found in Singapore.


Then after rushing to my destination, sweating profusely in my (stained forever) blazer, court which usually starts at 9.30am sharp (Cos the judge is a stickler for punctuality) does not start until 10am. So, all the rush? For nothing.
And half the time during the wait for the judge, I am busy trying to figure out how GUM got stuck on my BEAUTIFUL (now not anymore) blazer.

And for all that rushing and waiting, I got this :- CASE POSTPONED.

So in a state of intense mangchang-ness, I texted the BF complaining and wailing of how life is completely unfair and God should take me now (hence putting my organ donor card to good use) so that I do not have to suffer the great pain of living. (yes, drama is the order of the day)

The BF does not reply because his hp is dead. (which I only remembered after sending a dozen woe is me sms-es)

And its only 11 now. (And the damned suspicious gum stain is STILL there, despite brushing and scrubbing)

What a great way to start my day.

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