Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Who is a lawyer? Me? Nope. Not me.

You pick up the phone. And someone is in dire need of legal advice. You tell them, sorry, I don't do civil law. They say, but you're still a lawyer right? You can tell me some things? You think "Hmm, yeah I am a lawyer, and how hard can it be?"
So you stupidly, foolishly, { insert word which equates to idiot} say "Sure."
The one word I shall live to regret now.

The ramblings then began.
Phone rings, Hey, its me.
So, *asks same questions over and over and over and over and over again*
Gives same answer over and over and over and over and over again.

Repeat above scenario for three whole days.

I'll be damned that the first time I admit I am a lawyer, I get burned this way. I am going to stick back to saying "I'm not working. I am a housewife."

1 comment:

  1. at least u are practising. and im not. and it happens to me quite often. always come to me asking legal opinion, ask me to interpret acts and even company policies. bugger.
