Friday, August 7, 2009

three is the magic number

Yesterday I lied.
(oh, oh. Syazsy don't hate me!)

I lied to the BF's friend's(let's call him C) on-off gf (let's call her M).

I lied because I was put on the spot. I lied because frankly, I am not a big fan of M. I lied because I do not respect a girl who makes her bf call his friend, to ask them questions on his whereabouts. I do not fancy being put in a position where someone else's gf asks me "who was with you?" "was there another girl with you guys?" "was he alone or he came with someone?"

What am I? The chamber of secrets?

Firstly, I am not there to spy on your bf.
Secondly, I am not there to spy on your bf.
Thirdly, repeat all of the above. TWICE.

And frankly, if you have a problem with your bf hanging out with other girls, then you can secretly hide behind bushes and go spy on him yourself. And in all honesty, if your bf is the type whom you are suspicious of ALL the time, dump him. Get a better more improved model. Don't go preying on his friends. Or his friends' gf's.

You have troubles with him, you do not alert the whole world. It makes us uncomfortable. It makes us compelled to take sides. And if we DO have to take sides, its not a gender thing girl. I have to take C's side. I know him better, I am his friend. Not yours.

So if you ask me "So how many of you went out yesterday?"

The answer will always be THREE.

1 comment:

  1. 3? why lah 3 ? not 4 meh ? hahaha.

    oooo tipuuuu. tipu sunat eh :)

    ahahaha. i do the same thing too lah. kalau i tak suka org tu... and when they ask me something, i usually jawab mcm taknak jawab je. hehehe.

    malas laa mau layan org2 mcmni.

    u tarik je rambut M. claw her face.

