Thursday, April 1, 2010


Yesterday while I was in Seremban for hearing, the bf called to say that the security guard at my apartment called him. Apparently his car which was parked at my parking spot (he had given me a lift to work with my car) was hit by a drunk driver. (imagine that! In the parking of an apartment building!)

This is a picture of the drunktard's (drunk retard) car. Mind you, this is merely one side of the damage. It was just as bad the other side.

Now this is not a young girl who had one drink too many and was too immature to realise that she should not drive. This was a woman in her 40s, with three young children. That just goes to show, age is not a sign of maturity( or logic apparently).

And just this morning, my cousin sent me this video:-

I think drunktards who insists on driving should just all be placed in a gas chamber.

Kill yourself it's okay.
Kill someone else, destroy another's property, cause inconvenience to others, you're nothing but rubbish to our society.

If you go to court and you get convicted, who pays for your stay there? Responsible tax paying citizens.

How shitty is that?

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