My sister was a stewardess for 5 years.
The ex's father was a regional manager.
And now the BF is a pilot.
So naturally, everyone asks "How come you not a stewardess-ah?"
My classic answer is: NOT PRETTY ENOUGH LA.(plus not patient enough, tall enough, slim enough or adventurous enough)
Actually, truly it was because my sister told me not to. Not that she thought I was incapable of doing the job (Actually she did think I would probably punch the daylights out of irritating passengers as I apparently have a very low threshold for stupidity) but because she thought I should pursue my career as a lawyer. She said while she enjoyed travelling and all the perks that came with it, it probably was not a career cut out for me(with the low threshold of patience) And she said it was hard work- physically and mentally (not that I am afraid of hard work mind you)and after awhile, sometimes the money is not worth all the exhaustion that comes with it and also missing birthdays, anniversaries, family and all other important occasions.
At one point in my life, I did think of dropping everything and running off to join the airlines. But at that time, I was with the ex. And the ex never approved of having long distance relationships. And being young and naive, I thought yeah, maybe I should stick around just in case this relationship was worth it. Well, obviously THAT did not work out.
I have a friend who laments every time I see her that she wants to join the airlines. So I said that she must be too old by now to which she quipped " No, some airlines still take people my age!"
Weird thing is, she did not reveal that she liked to travel or that she loved the job because it allows her to travel. All she did mention was "Wah, it pays more than a lawyer la! I want to make that money too!"
So, she said if all fails, she will ask her bf of 9 freaking years to consider being a pilot. But then after a brief evaluation which goes something like this :-
She: How much is 90 divided by 30?
Him: 30?
So there goes the dream of him being a pilot and earning enough so she can be tai-tai, out the window.
But now I think I am much too old for the airlines. And as much as I wish I could travel the world, I still have not conquered my emetaphobia. Which is the fear of vomiting. So, unless and until I can stop myself from punching passengers and running away from people who throw up, I probably am not suitable for the life of a cabin crew.
So the reasons why I am not a stewardess consists of one two many words. Better to just stick with :-
That usually shuts everybody up.
Now, go play far far and quit asking me why I am not a stewardess.
On a separate note, I hate people who have never had anyone they love worked in airline.
Over dinner with some high school friends, the BF spoke about this incident :-

(see that man fly out the aircraft in the second picture?)
This was the picture taken inside the airplane a second before it crashed. A B737 had collided with a Embraer Legacy mid air and all onboard the B737 were killed- crew and passengers on board.
The BF lamented that it was so scary. And I attest to having that fear, as everytime the BF flies, I have the jitters that something may go wrong and that morning/lunch may have been the last time I see him. And that was the same for my sister. Every time we do not hear from her for sometime, we fear the worst.
But this is what the BF's high school friend says:-
Eh, so far ah, your airline has any accidents like this ah?
No la, thank god!
Cheh, so boring.
Seriously. What type of stupid, insensitive statement is that?
true.true.true.and true.penat oi jadi cc..tapi SERONOK!!but same like ur sis la - i wil never ever let my family members to become a cc..penatttttttttttttt...