Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Turn the page for the answer to life.

Have you ever woken up and felt overwhelmed by everything?

I have been feeling exactly that for the past few months.

Overwhelmed by questions I am unable to find answers to. Dreams I am unable to pinpoint. Wants and desires I am unable to crystallize into something concrete that is achievable. Problems which solutions elude me.

I sometimes wonder if money motivates everybody. I find myself telling friends not to switch jobs based purely on the pay package but to always, always love what they are doing. For without passion for something, we can only last for so long before we absolutely abhor what we wake up every morning for.

I ask myself everyday if I love what I do. For if I do, why do I sometimes wake up and wonder if I can do better. If I am happy where I am, why is it that sometimes I feel I am not trying harder to do more. But truly, what is that "better" and what is that "more" that I think I lack?

If only life came with an instructional guide.