Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Aunty Edith passed away peacefully on Saturday at 8.35am.

She passed away surrounded by her children and her husband. When I peered into her coffin that night, I saw the smile her daughters had told me about. Of course I shed tears for her. And many a times in movies, I always wondered how it was to have flashbacks and at exactly that moment, I experienced flashbacks of those times she sat with me and joked about everything under the sun, I had flashbacks of her cheeky grin and her throw-her-head-back laughter when someone told her a good joke, her "ta" expression when she sees a cute picture of a kitten and her tight embrace when she meets me after a long time. Flashbacks. And then I come back to reality and I see her lying still in the coffin, her last place of rest. And I feel nothing but heartbreak.

Goodbye Aunty Edith. I will miss you.

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