Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A tale of the delusional male steward.

During my exams, I visited a friend's mum who was admitted to IJN. She was scheduled to undergo bypass surgery the next day and while she was told she was in good hands, she was still jittery about it. After all, it's quite a feat these bypass surgeries. You open someone up and in its simplest explanation, you fix the person's heart and get it working again.

All you can say to doctors/surgeons who do that is..Wow. Nothing but wow.

So you see me gaping in awe when the surgeon walked in (much to the chagrin of the bf), in his scrubs with X-ray in hand to explain the surgery to his patient. "this artery is very clogged up, it's small so there is a risk..."

They save lives everyday. They give people second chances every day.

It must be great to know that everyday you wake up, you can help somebody in some way with your profession.

So, this little background brings me to what I want to tell you today.

I came across a blog run by a male steward. Now this guy in his latest posting brings tears (from pure unadulterated laughter) to my eyes.(I won't link him because obviously I have nothing nice to say about the post. And I prefer to gleefully and surreptitiously read the posts. )

So in this post, male steward (let's call him delusional male steward or "DMS") wrote about this SUPERGROUP of friends that he has. Let me quote :

"They rule the social order. They determine what is in and what is not. Rival groups were formed and were aptly called The Rejects by them. Rival groups did their best to try and become the hottest thing on the block but failed miserably."

And he continues:-

"... even if the whole world turned against this supergroup, they wouldn't mind cos they have each other and they have their looks and they have their talents. This supergroup will survive." (emphasis added)

Sorry, but I find this quite delusional. Firstly, with no disrespect to cabin crew, he is but a male steward. And the people in his so called supergroup are stewards/stewardesses. Sure, nobody said these jobs are easy but to think so highly of yourself? Surely there is an element of denial there.

People are out there saving lives, fighting wars, helping the underprivileged, feeding the poor, fighting crime, being presidents, running countries and etc, but here you have DMS talking about his looks and his talents, and sitting around laughing at "rejects"?

Isn't it ironic that he travels the world, but has such a skewed narrow vision of the world? And how it revolves around his looks and his talents? By talent, he means throwing "hot parties" and by looks he means possibly being the face of the airline(once upon a time).

I don't know about the rest of you. But it has never been my ambition to be known for my looks. or my talents (if I have either of it) . And it has never been my lifelong desire to look down upon others based on their looks or talents and to deem myself above the rest because of things which we are blessed with. Looks and talents are things which we are blessed with. If someone is beautiful, she's blessed. It's not something we brag about. It's not something we use to look down on others. I don't wake up in the morning and say "DAYMN is that a hottie or what?" To me, an accomplishment worth smiling about is when I do a good job in court. Or when I am able to help someone avoid the death sentence. Or imprisonment. Those things last.

If you are out there, fighting social ills, being involved in NGOs, caring for orphans, feeding the underprivileged, saving lives, then....those are things which we can be "proud" of. Making good use of our lives for the betterment of others.

Yes, yes, I am sure many of you are thinking, he is entitled to write whatever he wants on his blog. Yes, of course, but I equally have the right to comment on it. And I think its delusional, vain and quite sad really to have to justify one's nastiness in looking down on others as an appreciation of his looks and talents.

I sure hope one day when he is old and much too creaky to throw hot parties, his 4 supergroup buddies will support him and constantly tell him he is good looking and talented. And that one day he wakes up and realises, that there are PLENTY of people out there prettier and more talented than his supergroup. (and hence why they have been replaced as the face of the airline) and that there are plenty of people out there who are beautiful, talented and SMART and find no need to tell others that they are so.

Such is the tale of the delusional male steward.


  1. wow. he is sad.

    some people are just so shallow.

  2. please don't tell me,he's in the same company.if he is,sharman and meself can lethal combo him.hahahah
    btw,you have both good looks and talents.your welcome :)

  3. Sharman: Tell me about it. I guess we can safely say now that shallow, vain and conceited idiots roam among us everyday.

    Fly: YES HE IS! HAHAHAHA. Eh, u where can lethal combo him? He has a SUPERGROUP with talent and looks ok?!
    Hahahah,you're too kind. Oklah, I belanja makan soon la. *macam kena tipu je*

  4. hahah takutnya.yeah i already found out who he is.Used to be on my flight.ok set! i'll be waiting....
