I have a friend, let's call her C.
A typical conversation with C would start like this:-
Me: Hello! How are you?
A: I'm depressed.
Me: Oh, why so?
A: Because my life is not going the way I want, and bla bla bla bla sad bla bla bla bla depressed, bla bla bla bla bla and BLA.
Repeat above conversation every time I meet her.
Now C is a girl who earns above average. C is a girl who recently started a relationship with a great guy. C is a girl whom one can say have all the necessities in life ...and more.
So wtf is she so depressed about, you ask?
I have no idea.
I guess some people live on gaining sympathy from others about how "hard" their lives are. Or how "sad" they are. And how drama is her middle name.
If I tell her "hey, don't be depressed. Did you hear D found out she was ill and passed away recently. Life is short. Don't sit around moping."
Her typical response will be "I know. But did you know *fireworks* *drama* *sob story a hundred times worse* happened to me??"
I've just about given up on her. It's not that I do not want to be supportive but friends like this do nothing but drain me.
Maybe it's age or maybe, I'm just sick and tired of how some friendships can be so damn hard.
When did friendship become so hard? When did it stop becoming fun and fulfilling? When did friendship become work?
Perhaps, I should just stop being friends with crappy people. That ought to solve my problem.
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