Thursday, November 19, 2009

Let me tell you about hypocrisy

I find it absolutely hilarious that some people can talk about politics, can hate politicians and call them deceitful and traitors of the nation, despise those who are angered by the corruption and greed in the country, say that we should be thankful for what we have in Malaysia because there are so many countries out there with so little, yet, in their own little world, they are so obsessed with what people think of them and if anyone says something which is against what they have to say, they dismiss the idea as sheer absurdity.

You know what that means, a degree does not make you smart. Ditto for a Masters/PhD.

How can some people dedicate their whole lives to telling others how much they hate another? Sure, we complain a little bit, but do we call others names and label them bastards? What makes you so absolutely wonderful? I guess it never occurred to these people that it takes a whole lot of time and energy to hate somebody. The irony is that while you say I don't care about you! You actually dedicate quite a lot of time to tell others WHY you don't care and how these people do not matter to you.

No prizes for guessing who the fool is in this situation.

A person who claims to be intelligent, wonderful, self assured, confident and so abso-fucking-lutely fantastic, should never, ever, edit comments on their blogs.

What do you have to fear?

That you be exposed as nothing, but an idiot?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Oh the job we love!

Yesterday at a table with accountants, businessmen, lawyers, pilots and a stewardess.

The whole night went by with questions and statements, all pertaining to...


Is it fun to be a pilot? What fleet are you currently doing? How long does it take to be a pilot? How many places have you flown to? How is the roster like for XX airline? Are you still enjoying yourself?

And then there was :-
"Eh how come company XX the pilot's landing damn bad? I thought we crashed! But pilot Victor from company XY damn good!"
"Eh this stewardess ah, she was supposed to give me my Milo, but she was busy bitching to notice me! So rude! I should complain!"
"How come the girls on board which I have seen so far are not pretty ah?"

Who cares about the accountants and the lawyers or the businessmen?

They are a bore.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Adjo min van.

A friend knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you forget the words.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Death is inevitable.

Let me tell you a funny story.

A year and a half ago, my cousin was involved in a very very bad accident. When we arrived at the hospital, we rushed into the ICU to see him. When we walked into the ICU, we didn't know which was him. Everyone in the room was bandaged and had their faces covered with tubes and were attached to machines.

So after consulting the charts on the walls, we finally found him. Bruised, battered, bleeding and swollen. He had massive head injuries and was barely breathing on his own. We then asked the nurse what happened, and she consulted the chart and said " kemalangan antara basikal dan motosikal."

We then enquiried, "siapa naik basikal?"

To which she replied, "Ntah la. Mungkin dia kot" *while pointing at my cousin*
(these ppl are really efficient I tell you. They don't know when he was admitted, what injuries he suffered, how the accident happened. Nothing. Great. Two thumbs up!)

We sat at his bedside, and said a prayer for him. Telling him he had to pull through. We saw tears streaming down his face. While he may have been in a coma, we were sure, he could hear us.

About two weeks later, my cousin had recovered. And over dinner one day, another cousin revealed to us that my uncle had rushed to the ICU to see him and sat down for half and hour, stroking his hand, talking to him and consoling him. Only to find out later when another family member entered the ICU, that he was talking to the wrong guy. My cousin was in fact, lying on the bed next to the man my uncle was talking to.

That story never fails to make me snicker.

Today, at 1am in the morning, this cousin passed away.

I choose to rememeber everything great about him. That funny hospital story (albeit wrapped in tragedy), the way he had laugh- loud and hearty, he was always the one asking whether we "remember him or not?" (cos he worked in the east coast and was hardly back) and eventhough as the years passed, we saw less and less of him, I will always remember him for the great cousin that he was.

RIP my dear cousin.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

You learn to let go, and you get rear ended.

Ever had those days (in my case, months) where nothing goes your way?

I have been having trouble with this one particular condo owner whose condo I happened to fall madly in love with. I made an offer with conditions, he said yes. Now he is being difficult. Making demands and not fulfilling his promise. So after much going back and forth between myself, the two agents, my loan officer and the owner, I told myself, If I can't get this apartment. Then maybe it's just not meant to be. I took a deep breath, told myself and the BF, I'm just going to see what happens. Won't stress myself out.

5 minutes after I told myself that, I got rear ended. Twice. By two different cars.

When I got rear ended, I felt this overwhelming sense of loss and despair. (It's my signature to get really upset and fiery- it's a Rooster thing) I felt as if, yeah, this is what the universe has/had for me these past few months. A month back my immoblizer died and I had to tow the car out of Midvalley. Then I had to change the alarm because the ex could not find the immoblizer key (I bought the car off him) and then before that a rempit on a bike hit my car and subsequently came out to yell at me, then while I was reversing to park, while on the mobile (kids, please do not try this at home) I scratched the car next to mine. So it was a culmination of all that. And that was just for my car. If I have the time, one day I will tell you about the rest of my life.

So there I was, sitting in the car, feeling a great sense of despair. I got out, took pictures of the other cars and proceeded to the police station.

While on the phone with mum detailing the accident, she told me that everything happens for a reason. And a friend I texted told me that at least it wasn't me who got hit by a car. Another in Jakarta (yes you know who you are) could not contain his giggles and told me "hey, I got home today and I have no water/gas! " to which I promptly told him the day before, I went home to a house without water either. So, in terms of bad luck, I think I am reigning right now.

At the scene of the accident, the BF asked "Why are you so stressed?".

Yes, why indeed? Is it the car? The tough sale of the apartment? The good friend I no longer need in my life? The LLM exams I have to study for? The flight to LGK which I may miss tomorrow due to work?

Why indeed?

I need a break. From life.