We were entertained by a fire eater, which I have to say was not really impressive. But what WAS impressive were the 5 dancers which they claimed were dancers from Quattro. So it being Quattro, and not a ciplak small town ah chi ah beng place(though best friend JoL swears its the place where ugly chinese people go to die), we expected the dancers to be quite hot.
Now, I have no problems with people and their chosen profession, whether it be stripping, dancing, pole dancing etc etc. As long as you do it with class.
So when the time came for the dancers to perform, they marched unto the stage all dressed in "trench coats" and did their hip swaying walk and sultry looks to the deafening silence of the crowd. The floor manager yelled " Are you ready for the hot girls?!"
And he got a very soft and muffled "ya" and a clap here and there. (Maybe Seremban people don't really like dancer chicks in trench coats. I dunno.)
Anyway after the intro, the girls then began to strip their trench coats into, get this, bikinis. Not just any bikinis. But bikinis with RUFFLES. MULTI COLOURED RUFFLES.

much like this one, but with orange, black AND red ruffles. actually scrap that, it was 100% uglier than this bikini. It had 100% more ruffles.
I don't know about you, but multi coloured ruffles don't turn me on. They are not sexy. They are quite frankly, cheap. And when the music blared through the loud speaker, the girls went at each other like there was a prize for the best lesbian impersonation. Can someone yell WTF?
That is not called dancing ok? It's called trying to hard to give the guys a hard on by going at each other like long lost lesbian lovers.
As the entertainment was CLEARLY not entertaining, I got to talking to one of the BF's friend who is planning to join the BF's airline as his current company was....restructuring.
Me: Nope. I know. People always assume I am. Because of the job that he has. K: Not only that, you have the FA look.
Me: What is a FA look?
K: You have the look la. So what do you do?
Me: I am a lawyer.
K: Oh. I am sorry. Are you insulted that I thought you were a FA?
To which I replied firmly, my sister was a FA. Why should I be insulted that you thought I worked for the airlines?
And all the could mumble was a "oh, I dont know.some people are. especially when you're a lawyer."
Firstly, it is a misconception that FA's are not intelligent. My sister is intelligent. She has a degree in International Relations with an almost perfect GPA. And as much as I would like to think that I am smarter than the BF's ex , he had to shatter my illusion by saying "oh my ex is quite smart. She is especially good with numbers. She figured out the pay scheme and informed the company that we were wrongly underpaid. I don't know how she figured out something nobody could."
oh. great. thanksalot.
And Secondly, it is a misconception that lawyers are intelligent. I have met quite a lot of stupids roaming around the courts, calling themselves lawyers. trust me. they roam amongst us.
And thirdly, if you think so lowly of them, why do you trust your lives in their hands( as well as the pilots) when you fly? They will be the ones showing you the exit, helping you with the exit, telling you what to do in times of emergencies. These girls go through months of training and every time they go to work, they put their lives at risk.
tsk tsk.
the things some people say.