Friday, October 28, 2011

Rules for husbands to live by.

Just about a week ago, in the midst of my family - I was busy cursing and ranting that a man had rudely taken the parking lot which I trailed two ladies for. I then said he had gestured to me that I was going against traffic and that he was therefore entitled to take that parking. In between all the cursing and ranting, the hubby chimes "The last time someone went against traffic and took a parking you didn't like it."

RULE NUMBER 1: Does NOT matter what I did and did not like the last time. While I am ranting about something, you SUPPORT my ranting and insist, just like how I insisted, that I am RIGHT and the other person is WRONG.

RULE NUMBER 2: You can THINK of the above statement, but you do NOT say it out loud while I am ranting about it.

RULE NUMBER 3: I am always right.

As long as you follow the above three rules, you will succeed in your marriage. Trust me.  (Read rule number 3)

1 comment:

  1. seriously, my husband needs to read this, 2 thumbs up!
