Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Status update: Engaged to so and so.

So I recently got engaged. On August 29th 2010 to be exact.

I never knew telling someone you got engaged can be such big news to that person.
Upon saying yes and wearing the ring, I texted my sister and brother to inform them. (In my defence, I did not call them because I was in Bali and I am too cheapskate to spend money on roaming charges) Then I texted my bff in the US to tell her.

A week or two passed before I informed a few of my friends. And another month passed before some people noticed my ring and congratulated me. And until today, I have not really told anyone else that I am engaged unless they text me and say "Woman, do you have something to tell me?!" and I hesitantly say "I'm engaged?"

I'm not too sure it's because I am a intensely private person, or that I feel that details of how the bf/fiancee proposed its special between us. It's as if telling the story over and over again will make it lose its sparkle. I'm not sure. But I had NO IDEA so many people were interested in the HOW DID HE PROPOSE story. I mean, surely it's a he asked and I said yes thing. Why the need for details? I think people like to revel in the romanticism of it all. Who knows.

Ever since the engagement story "got out" (random acquaintances come up to me and say SO I heard...) the question I have been bombarded with is "When's the wedding?" WHEN? WHEN???

I have no idea when ok? Who has their wedding details all worked out two or three days/months after they got engaged? I'm not that psycho. I do not have a wedding book. I do not know what type of wedding I want. Does that make me weird? I guess it does. A friend bought her wedding gown one and a half years before her wedding.ONE and a half freaking years before. That's insane if you ask me.

So far, I only know what TYPE of dress I probably want. That's about it.

On a sidenote, upon finding out my engagement, a close friend has suddenly accelerated her wedding plans. Before I flew off to Bali, I've asked her about her plans and when she was thinking of getting hitched and was told "no plans yet. Earliest also end of next year."
When she found out I got engaged, she suddenly thought not only of the theme of the wedding and the place, she even brought the date forward by three months. I think this has something to do with a sms from the friend-I-cut-out-of-my-life texting said bride to be and saying "if you delay any further, she's going to cut ahead of you."

What is this? A bloody competition? She can win first prize. I'll settle for just qualifying by being engaged. Thanks.

Now, in case you think I dislike weddings, I have to say here, I absolutely LOVE weddings. I love helping out, I love attending them, I love looking at bridal photos, I absolutely love everything about it.

I just don't know anything about my own.

Partly because even though the bf/fiancee told me he had been planning the proposal for a year, I was totally taken by surprise when he asked.

Seriously did not see it coming.

I guess I will eventually have to come up with an answer to the question:-


But just not now.


  1. Congratulations babe! Is this gonna be a mixed marriage? *tumpang excited*. Hehe. Cheers!

  2. Thanks girls!

    Yes yes, it will be a mixed marriage and we will produce beautiful enviable mixed parentage children! haha!

